Hopes for the New Beginnings!!

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Image Credit: Unsplash

When someone asks me what I wish for 2021, I go speechless as I have so many things to talk about after the unexpected turn of events in 2020. The year came with a whole package from forest fires in Australia, to the tragic killing of George Floyd by American police violating the human rights, to the worldwide recession because of covid-19 causing death to millions of peoples, to the Beirut blast, to the Punjab farmers protest and finally to the spotting of the new virus in UK covid-20 that had an even rapid transmission. These situations did not only affect the world’s economic and financial stability but brought mental as well as physical illness to a lot of us.

“Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed.” This quote was so apt for the situation we were in last year. We didn’t know what was in store for us when in 2020, covid-19 came as an unwelcome guest into our lives. Believe me, when I say, we are a very resilient species as we adapted ourselves to the situation gradually, albeit with a lot of restrictions.

“No matter what happens or how bad it seems today, life does go on, and it will get better tomorrow.” This light of hope burned brightly within us throughout and helped us to “Shine like a diamond” :). 

Keeping the hopes alive, I too have few aspirations and wishes for the year 2021. First and foremost, I hope 2021 is better than 2020.  I wish I can go back to my school to relive those fantastic memories with my friends from playing basketball in our physical education period to sharing our food, to playing truth or dare in the school library and studying with my classmates in the same classroom with the teacher teaching us physically. I wish I can meet my friends without any restrictions and can party without the Covid-19 ghosting me. I crave that I become as jaunty and happy as I was before. I pine to get back those beautiful days. 

As a student, I would like to add that no matter how this past year has been and whatever we have gone through, our education didn’t take a back seat. We had online school sessions connecting us with teachers through different virtual modes. Projects, exams and events were held as they always were, but with slight changes. It was one of a kind of experience for all of us.  It definitely cannot be compared with the live school sessions, but it made us a little more independent and flexible. 

I am already looking forward to good times ahead this year and hope to attend school and meet my peers and teachers.  I ardently believe that there is always a light at the end of the dark tunnel and I hope everything gets back to normalcy soon. 

–Jahnavi Singh-Grade 11 student