Once Upon A Lockdown

Photo by luizclas on Pexels.com

It has been more than six months since the CoronaVirus Pandemic came into existence and it has been quite a frantic experience for most of us. Since the board exams were going on, I was in a swirl of mixed emotions. I was happy but irritated, waiting in anticipation of what the Board had to say about this. Happy because I had extra time to study and irritated because, well, I wanted to get done with the exams as soon as possible. The first couple of months were a continuous cycle of only studying and revising until I received the news of exam cancellation that made me jump with joy. By this time, I had moulded myself to the lockdown life: working out, reading and listening to music and meeting up with my best friend. I utilised this time to work on furnishing my badminton skills. I watched a lot of videos on strategy building and other fitness techniques. I started doing more intense training to develop specific muscles of my body. 

About how I felt about the lockdown, I guess it was inevitable. To avoid the contagious spread of disease, social distancing has to be maintained. On the other hand, we can look at it as an opportunity to learn. It is a well-deserved break that everyone needs amidst their hectic schedules, away from all the frantic running and away from the constant work pressure sitting on their heads. Instead of fretting about this and that, I feel self-reflection is one thing that is most is essential for everyone

Setting aside the concerns, one should focus on a tranquil mind and adapt to the current situation. Consider this as a lesson, learn from it and move on. As the great visionary, Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam rightly said, ‘Every pain gives a lesson and every lesson changes a person’, we should also make the most of this time and learn from it. 

So, in short, the main highlights of this pandemic are the chapters of adaptability and change. Sure, we go through a change in daily life but never of such magnitude. This period has subconsciously increased our ability to adapt to any situation presented in front of us. Staying calm, positive and not giving up on hope for better times to come is the need of the hour.

Akshaya Ramakrishnan – Grade 11 student

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