How Newton’s First Law of Motion Can Help Students in Increasing Productivity in Everyday Life


Newton's 1st lawIt is not a blog on science theories but talks about using scientific concepts to bring productivity and positive changes in a student’s life.

‘The world turned upside down’ when Sir Isaac Newton, one of the greatest mathematicians and physicists in history, published his groundbreaking book, Principia: Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy in 1687.

In his book, Newton co-related his mathematical principles to natural philosophy and his system of the world. With this book, he marked his entry into the society that had recognized the works of Aristotle and Galileo with a lot of hesitation.

Times have changed, we have come a long way since then but Newton’s first law of motion still holds relevance and can be a helpful model to make progress in life and career.

Also referred to as the law of inertia, Newton’s first law of motion states that “An object at rest remains at rest, or if in motion, remains in motion at a constant velocity unless acted on by a net external force”.

Now, how do you relate this to productivity? The answer to this question lies in your analytical mind 😊

When you choose not to do real work or procrastinate, you are at rest. You are not moving the needle or making progress and hence experience the law first hand- objects at rest tend to stay at rest.  Until and unless you make up your mind and take action to get things done, you will continue to remain at rest. But when you start taking action or getting your most important things done, you enter in a state of motion: crossing tasks off your to-do list and getting closer to your goals — objects in motion tend to stay in motion.

Hence, all of us must set our bodies and mind in motion. Students can target their study goals and start focussing on the projects or tasks that will help them achieve their desired objectives. Starting important work is a big challenge for most of the students. Once you take the first step, the momentum gains, and slowly and steadily, you cross the hurdles to build better study habits.

Newton’s law of motion represents work in progress. To get more things done, do not lose momentum.

Students, you all can make real progress if you are in a constant state of motion. Define your goals, get ideas down into small executable steps, identify the problem areas, define the actions you need to take, and consistently apply the law of momentum by starting small.  Remember, objects in motion tend to stay in motion hence when it comes to being productive, the most important thing is to find a way to get started.

You stop being productive when an external or internal force (distractions and the decision to respond to the interruption) stops you from getting things done. Hence, ‘an object remains in motion unless an external force stops the object in motion’. In today’s times, there are umpteen distractions around to sway you away from your path, so it’s best to keep the distractions at bay to ensure that your motion of following your small goals is not disrupted.

Based on Newton’s first law of motion, productivity is determined by the willingness to work, move, and act. So, to be productive, start moving towards accomplishing your goals and be aware of your productivity. Whether it is about getting more work done, achieving your goals, or improving your life and career, Newton’s first law of motion can help you make real progress every day.

Science is an integral part of our lives. You can apply it in any area of your life where you would like to make progress. Get moving, and you will keep going.

Use Newton’s first laws of motion to your advantage and improve your productivity.








                                               *inspired by Kaizen Habits


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